POEM: Why fix broken things?

I lie under the sky
Dreaming of fireflies
Under the blanket some spoiled brat threw away
Just because it had a hint of pink and he had a hint of logic

I try to read the words written on it
They don’t make sense to me
I should have attended school, one government so gladly paid for
And may be the world would make a little more sense

I try to sleep, but I am scared
I kept my wet rags out for drying
I am scared they will catch fancy of someone
Someone who doesnt even have rags
Like I fancied this tattered t-shirt and stole it
And now it is among the wet rags I kept out for drying
And I am scared it will catch fancy of someone
I really like it

I start worrying about tomorrow, I can’t sleep
The already-broken-wooden-door broke again yesterday,
Now mother wants it fixed
I don’t understand why
It isn’t like they can protect us anyway

Then my thoughts shift to this big box of disappointments, I am nothing
Shuffling from one thought to another I console myself
Nothing mortal can stay for an eternity
We are but illusions of our own minds
Why should I complain of the cold wind?
Universe never cared about us in the first place

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